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  • Writer's pictureEljay Peji

Alice Academy Manga Review

Hello everybody! 💖 Today is a good day and I've decided to make a review on one of my most favorite manga that I've read and barely sleep unto.

The title of the manga is called Gakuen Academy or Alice Academy. Mikan Sakura is a 10-year old optimistic and normal girl (as she believed she was) who tried to follow her friend to a prestigious school called the "Alice Academy", full of people with different magical powers called "alice". When Mikan arrived at the school, he encountered a teacher who made her realize that empowers alice. She was admitted to the school and everybody hates her—including Natsume Hyuuga, a student who possesses superior alice ability called destruction of fire. They were being paired up due to the school's system and the a bitter-sweet love story and adventure has started!

To be fairly honest, my first impression on the plot is very boring. I find the anime adaptation of this manga somewhat childish. The characters were entirely young. Most of them are at the age of 10 years old, I think? The first episodes were just bunch of kids mocking at each other. Seriously! I cannot even handle the first episode because the main character's voice is really annoying. And if I were to rate the graphics of the anime, it will be 4/10 to me. The way the artist drew the characters is so annoying because of its classically big eyes (I'm really keen when it comes to graphics. It's one of my standards before reading or watching anime/manga).

However! When I discovered the manga version of Gakuen Academy, something had urged me to read more. I am not fund of reading but this one made me realize that manga can be something. For me there's a huge difference between the manga and anime adaptation. The manga adaptation pointed out the details on why the characters are acting that way. There aren't much holes in the plot unlike on the anime adaptation. If you already finished the anime, I recommend you to continue reading Chapter 29 on the manga.

What I love about Gakuen Academy is that they have a bunch of unique characters with unique characteristics. They all have this lesson in life that you can adopt in real life. Not to mention, I would like to commend Mikan on the story. No matter how life was hard and all her experienced hardships, she still continued to fight back and be someone else. Like seriously, she was always being bullied by her non-remarkable alice--even the teachers hate her. However, her strong personality is what makes me so inspired and boost up on reading the manga. If I were to pick my favorite characters, it would be Mikan of course. Next to the line is Tsubasa senpai whom I consider Mikan's oniichan for guiding her up to the end. Not to mention that I really have a crush on him because he's my type. I really like bubbly and sweet guys.

One thing! Hehe. This might be frankly weird but... I continued reading the manga because of the love story development happening with Mikan and Natsume. I know, I know it is very weird to think that I am shipping 10-year-old kids but it is much weirder (as a reader!) to encounter kids kissing and having a knowledge at love at a very young age! Nevertheless, I still enjoyed it. I am also well aware that I am so deeply attached to their bond that I cried when Natsume died (oops spoiler!).

My overall impression to the manga is that it is very interesting and full of adventures. Halfway through, the manga focuses more on drama and unleashing the past of each and everyone and knowing the real motive of the elementary principal. The laughs that I've invested were changed into gloominess and sadness that no one contain. IT IS VERY HEARTBREAKING THAT I CRIED FOR ALMOST A WEEK BEFORE I MOVED ON.

I really recommend this to lots of people especially to those who suffer from depression and pessimistic thoughts. This is my source of energy when I am very weak because Mikan never fails to give some advice that will really struck your heart. Overall, it is 10/10 for me.

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